Tuesday, November 26, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Script Essays

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Script Essays To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Script Paper To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Script Paper then at the jury, and then across the room at Mr.. Underworld. Tom, youre sworn to tell the whole truth. Will you tell it? 5 Mr.. Finch, I got down Off that chair an turned around an she sorts jumped o Jumped on you? Violently? No such, she-?she hugged me. She hugged me round the waist. Strikes the gavel as the courtroom lights turn on. Tactics: Then what did she do? She reached up an kissed me side of the face. She says she never kissed a grog man before an she might as well kiss a Niger. She says what her papa do to h dont count. She says, Kiss me back, Niger. I say Miss Male lemma out there an tried to run but she got her back to the door an Id had to push he didnt want harm her, Mr.. Finch, an I say lemma pass, but just when say it Mr.. Lowell yonder hollered through the window. What did he say? Something not fitting to say-?not fitting for these folks chilling to hear-?. What did he say, Tom? You must tell the jury what he said. He says you goddamn where, Ill kill hay. Then what happened? Mr.. Finch, I was running so fast I didnt know what happened.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Find the REAL Target Market for Your Children’s Book

How to Find the REAL Target Market for Your Children’s Book How to Find the REAL Target Market for Your Children’s Book The basic idea of marketing a book is pretty straightforward: find out who likes your book, discover where they ‘live,’ then sell your book there and make them buy it. And when you’re publishing a children’s book, the principle is the same - with one exception.In the children’s book market, the target audience isn’t made up of children but the bigs who purchase the books for them. That might be parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, teachers - whomever. Once you’re able to tap into what they want in a kid’s book, you’ll quickly realize that you couldn’t ask for a better target consumer:They have simple core desires: to get a book the child will love,Children go through a LOT of titles, so they always need new books,Once they find an author they like, they will read EVERYTHING they’ve written, andIt’s easy to find out where parents, teachers, and such ‘live’ online.With that in mind - weà ¢â‚¬â„¢re going to look at some ways that children’s authors have effectively targeted the people who buy children’s books. What's the REAL target market for children's books? Find out in this post Hit up social mediaBlogs, Instagram, Facebook Groups, Twitter, Reddit. These days, parents of young kids are almost always millennials - and, as a result, will rely on the internet for almost any kind of recommendation. And meeting your readers isn’t just limited to libraries...Plan school visitsâ€Å"Many children’s book authors don’t realize that many schools set aside an annual budget for paid author visits,† Jones says. And indeed, there’s a chance you could be eventually paid for your school appearances.The trick here is to be organized. Make sure you have a plan in place before you contact any schools. Tell them what age range the book is for, send over links, a cover image, a synopsis and anything else they might want to know about your book. "How to plan a school visit for your children's book" and more #selfpubtips Then as soon as the school agrees, send over a summary of your planned visit. At this point, Jones would also be sure to secure sales with their parents, if appropriate. (Remember who your target audience really is.)Jones finishes up her advice with this: â€Å"Follow up the email with a phone call to let them know that you visit local schools for free, in return for the school sending slips home, offering the chance to buy signed copies of the book.†And there are plenty of other tricks you can try to reach the children’s gatekeepers. You can try creating a trailer, you can guest post for parenting blogs. So long as you stay focused and direct your efforts to find where the buyers of children’s book live - you won’t go far astray.Have you tried any of these tips before? What's been your experience like marketing your children's book? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and we'll get back to you right away.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading response of the reading identities and social locations Essay

Reading response of the reading identities and social locations - Essay Example The part of my identity that I underplay is physical characteristics. If my idea is tied with the way, I look. Basing my self-worth and identity is a monumental bad idea. This is because if I gain weight, there is no way I will be happy. If I have something that I believe is ugly, it will lower my self-esteem. My people are the people I identify with. People that have characteristics similar to mine, we have common interests and we are all equal, no one feels stronger than the other in any aspect does. I refer Chinese in America as my people. Home according to me is a physical place or an emotion that gives me a sense of belonging, here I identify with each other, and we can share affiliations ((Okazawa-Rey & Gwyn, 110). A social location is a point where all characteristics of my identity meet. It determines the privileges I can have and situations, which are beyond my control. My social location is Chinese, educated class, female, heterosexual, and studying in America. From the dimensions in the social location, the social dimensions that provide privilege and power is class and education. While the dimension that provides less power and disadvantage is race, and sexual orientation. Most white privilege bearers try to do their best in looking out and avoiding ways of helping them get ahead of life. It is not a simple task, this is because education has helped them in recognizing the privileges, and therefore, their understanding has not been with them for their entire life. According to my understanding, for one to be equity activist, they have to dismantle the system that favors some people for no go reason than the social group members (Okazawa-Rey & Gwyn,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara - Essay Example The story â€Å"The Lesson,† by Toni Cade Bambara elucidates the situations of trials and tribulations in the life of blacks. What a contrast of life in different parts of the same city! The type of hardships undergone by Sylvia and her friends in the slums of New York, the type of environment they were brought up and the glaring imbalance as compared to the ambience of the Fifth Avenue can lead to two types of reactions. One is the black children may be fired with ambition to excel in life, improve their economic prospectus and achieve the rewards comparable to life in the Fifth Avenue. The other could be one of jealously and revenge. Evaluate the reaction of Sugar, an innocent child who says, â€Å"You know, Miss Moore, I dont think all of us here put together eat in a year what that sailboat costs.†(cai.ucdavis.edu) This is the pointer to the standard of life of the black children. Bambara creates poignant story how a college educated black woman arrives at the slum neighborhood on weekends and takes the children to a sort of picnic to posh areas like Manhattan. From the time the children leave from their slums until they return home, what are their feelings after being exposed to richness and luxury? How disturbed could be their emotional world comparing own plight and the affluence they saw throughout the day? How disturbed could be their emotional world comparing own plight and the affluence they saw throughout the day? The plot of the story is simple, but the philosophy behind it is profound.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Wordsworth and Coleridge Essay Example for Free

Wordsworth and Coleridge Essay Wordsworth and Coleridge saw themselves as worshippers of nature. How is this demonstrated in Lyrical Ballads? (an exam-style essay) Themes relating to nature are instrumental in the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads by William Wordworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. As part of the Romantic movement, both poets strongly believed in a power and supreme beauty of nature and the education it can impart onto man, and their works in Lyrical Ballads demonstrate this. In The Dungeon, Coleridge demonstrates his view that nature has healing properties and that it would be a more effective method of rehabilitating criminals than the usual method of locking them away in prison would be an elevated view of nature and its power. He justifies this opinion using glorious imagery describing nature as he sees it, with the intent of portraying its complete beauty. Thy sunny hues, fair forms, and breathing sweets, Thy melodies of woods, and winds, and waters, Coleridge also uses a direct contrast and juxtaposition with this and the dark imagery used in the first stanza to emphasise the beauty of nature. He also does this to demonstrate that the dark and horrible dungeon and the free and beautiful nature are polar opposites, and ultimately to come to the conclusion that they have similar effects on criminals. Circled with evil, till his very soul Unmoulds its essence, hopelessly deformed By sights of ever more deformity! Using this juxtaposition, Coleridge explains that the total beauty of nature will overcome the criminal and their dark ways. He expresses how nature will appear a jarring and dissonant thing as it is as far-removed from their dark and deceitful ways as is possible. Finally, he concludes that this will immediately have the effect of healing him and removing all bad intent that he possesses (His angry spirit healed and harmonized / By the benignant touch of love and beauty) This conclusion is very much in keeping with the Romantic idea of the supreme power and beauty of nature and the profound impact it can have on man. This is a theme also explored in The Tables Turned, in which Wordsworth argues that there is more to be learnt from nature than there is from books and conventional education. To this end, he uses a affable and conversational style (Up! Up! My friend, and quit your books) to mimic the emotive encouraging of one man to another to leave their studying aside and go out into nature. In this conversational style he abandons the pretence and subtlety that are commonplace in classical poetry, and tries to persuade the reader of the much greater value of experiencing nature, in contrast to the irrelevance of books, through such passages as Let Nature be your teacher. The personification of nature throughout serves to further emphasise the fact that it can be a superior substitute for conventional education, and has a far greater knowledge to impart than its perceived inanimateness would suggest. In the last two stanzas, a different tone is adopted as Wordsworth ceases his direct plea and talks of, using emotive language such as murder, how humanitys meddling intellect and study of, amongst other things, nature, has distorted and lessened its beauty. To conclude the poem, he uses the metaphor of books being barren leaves (dead and of little value), in contrast with the previous personification of nature and its rich portrayal of being beautiful and very much alive. This human distortion of nature is also a theme prominent in The Nightingale. In this, Coleridge argues that the classical poets of old who commented on nature did not have a full understanding of it, but instead wrote at length about it, projecting their own feelings and opinions onto their depiction of it. He manifests this through the Nightingale, which the speaker cannot believe is portrayed as most melancholy, whilst, he argues in nature there is nothing melancholy. Showing disdain for the poets who wrote like this, he takes a similar approach to Wordsworth in The Tables Turned and argues that they had far better stretchd [their] limbs / Beside a brook in mossy forest-dell / By sun or moonlight, or in other words experience nature and come to understand it fully before writing about it. He further concludes that nature is essentially joyous and should inspire joy; it must not be made to serve simply as a screen upon which our human feelings are indiscriminately projected. Throughout Lyrical Ballads, unsophisticated form and structures are used, such as in The Dungeon, which is written in simple blank verse, a style of writing very similar to normal everyday speech and in The Nightingale, which is subtitled a conversational poem. This form is used to help convey that their poetry can be ordinary and be understood by ordinary people, and that its themes are relevant to all. In the case of The Dungeon, this idea is then emphasise by the use of a prisoner as the main character; elevated and unrealistic characters are not used; the likes of whom were prominent in classical poetry, which Wordsworth and Coleridge undoubtedly viewed as out of the reach of the normal person. This shows that the poets wanted their message to reach as many people as possible, and it not bypass some who would be put off by more formal poetry. It is also in keeping with the Romantic belief that wisdom is not to be found in books, sciences and the arts, but in nature itself.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eulogy for Mother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Mother My brother, my sister and I had adopted a cat. We told our mom that we would take care of it, and feed it. Of course you know what happened. Our mom ended up taking care of it and feeding it. We told our mom the cat's name was Tiger. T i g e r. Now, if you’re Molly and you are originally from Trenton New Jersey, T i g e r is pronounced Tagger. In the morning to call the cat we would take our turns calling, "Here, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, The cat would not come. Then we would wait for our mom to show up in her nightgown and call the cat. She'd call, "Here Tagger Tagger Tagger" and the cat would come. That is a humorous tale about my mom, but it is so typical of her life. The first thing she thought about when she woke up was meeting someone else's needs, not her own. She was feeding our cat. All of us in the family including myself would ask her to do things for us. Mom can you wash this, mom can you cook this, mom cam I borrow some money. She never hesitated to serve her family. She never said, "I'm to busy," or "I have to do this," or any other excuse. That cat would only come when she called it, because my mother knew how to talk and touch people's hearts. That cat responded, as so many other people have to her compassion. She had a compassionate heart. There was room for everybody, no exclusions. Just like Jesus. My Dad told me how he met my mom. They met at a dance at the YMCA in Trenton, New Jersey. While dancing, my dad stepped on her feet. Instead of apologizing for stepping on her feet my dad said, "I guess your just learning how to dance." My mom just looked at my dad and said, "yes I’m just learning." Not until later in their relationship did my dad find out that my mom had won dance contests. Another funny story, and if you knew my mom you appreciated her sense of humor and her love of laughter; but another example of how she led her life. Instead of saying something mean she put the burden on herself. And now I will tell you about all the times my mom said mean things to me and other people.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing Research Rocket Soup

Question 1 (a)Total Volume One of the most notable patterns of sales in regards to total sales volume is that it increases drastically when the average price of soup is low (Average price is calculated by dividing Category Volume by Category Dollars). Total sales volume had significantly increased when either Rocket Soup or competitors (or both) offer low price for promotion. In other words, soup consumption is relatively elastic to price, meaning that customers are highly sensitive to price. See below graphs showing the inverse relationship between the total volumes sold and average price of soups.Category Volume sold in Week 1 to 40 Average Soup Price in Week 1 to 40 (b)Total Spending Sales pattern in terms of total spending follows the pattern observed in total volume section. One notable difference is that the total spending per week is relatively more concentrated closer to the average total spending in 40 weeks (5,263), meaning it is not as elastic as the volume. It means that customers may purchase more soups when the price is lower, but does not dramatically increase their total spending, even if the price is very low.It can also be observed that the total spending (or revenue) does increase when the total volume sold are relatively larger, with the exception of week 12, where Rocket Soup charged unbelievably low price (0. 04). (c)Competition Another notable pattern is that the sales volume of Rocket Soup is significantly affected by competitors’ price and sales volume. When Rocket Soup offers cheaper price, the sales volume of Rocket Soup increases and competitors temporarily lose market share, and vice versa.It would represent that the size of the market is relatively capped and cannot expect a drastic increase over time. (d)Sales Volume after high volume weeks In general, the average sales volume after high volume weeks is lower than the average category volume. From the table 6-3, it can be observed that the average category volume per week i s 6,916, and the average of the top 5 sales volume weeks is 14,841, with the average category price of 0. 55. The following weeks of those top 5 weeks are Week 3, 9, 13, 32 and 38. From this period, the average sales volume is 5,184, with the average price of 0. 6, which is close to the average category price of 0. 82. From this, it could be argued that the sales volume after high volume weeks tends to significantly decrease even though the price remains the average level, as the excessive demand from previous week has eliminated demands for following weeks. Question 2 (a)Incremental Volume to Rocket In week 12, sales of Rocket Soup had drastically increased to 16,113 due to the excessive discount on their product. Rocket Soup had launched a promotion with feature and display and charged for 0. 2, which is over 97. 5% discount on their average price. Although the sales had drastically increased, it is not possible to argue whether this excessive demand was from the promotion or low pricing. (b)Promotional Volume burrowed from future sales Since Rocket Soup virtually gave away their product for free in week 12, the average sales volume of Rocket Soup has been lower until week 22. The average weekly sales volume of Rocket Soup was 1613, and yet the average from week 13 to 21 was only 718, which is less than half.In addition, Rocket Soup performed promotion on week 13, 16 and 19, and yet does not significantly increase any sales due to the previous high sales volume in week 12. Question 3 Although the general price and demand curve in economic would suggest the demand will increase when price is low, there are no significant relationship observed between sales volume and price when no promotion was conducted. The average price without promotion was 0. 90 and the standard deviation was only 0. 128.On the other hand, the average volume sold was 392 with a standard deviation of 129. 16, meaning it is relatively more randomly varied. In addition, the correlation betw een the two variables is only 0. 0128, meaning that it has almost no linear relationship altogether. Thus, it is safe to argue that there are no noticeable relationship between price and volume without promotion. Question 4 Unlike price and volume relationship with no promotion, there are a noticeable relationship between price and volume with display promotion.In week 37, the price with display was the lowest among 40 weeks, priced at 0. 74, and sold the most volume of 2,409. Also, week 8 and 34 showed the lowest sales, when price was charged higher. In other words, the price and volume relationship with display promotion does follow general economic principle of supply and demand, and it has inverse relationship. Correlation of price and volume with display promotion was -0. 486, meaning that it is negatively related, and does sell more when price is low, and vice versa.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Negative Economic Impacts of Tourism Essay

There are many hidden costs to tourism, which can have unfavorable economic effects on the host community. Often rich countries are better able to profit from tourism than poor ones. Whereas the least developed countries have the most urgent need for income, employment and general rise of the standard of living by means of tourism, they are least able to realize these benefits. Among the reasons for this are large-scale transfer of tourism revenues out of the host country and exclusion of local businesses and products. Leakage The direct income for an area is the amount of tourist expenditure that remains locally after taxes, profits, and wages are paid outside the area and after imports are purchased; these subtracted amounts are called leakage. In most all-inclusive package tours, about 80% of travelers’ expenditures go to the airlines, hotels and other international companies (who often have their headquarters in the travelers’ home countries), and not to local businesses or workers. In addition, significant amounts of income actually retained at destination level can leave again through leakage. A study of tourism ‘leakage’ in Thailand estimated that 70% of all money spent by tourists ended up leaving Thailand (via foreign-owned tour operators, airlines, hotels, imported drinks and food, etc.). Estimates for other Third World countries range from 80% in the Caribbean to 40% in India. Of each US$ 100 spent on a vacation tour by a tourist from a developed country, only around US$ 5 actually stays in a developing-country destination’s economy. The figure below shows how the leakage happens. There are two main ways that leakage occurs: Import leakage This commonly occurs when tourists demand standards of equipment, food, and other products that the host country cannot supply. Especially in less-developed countries, food and drinks must often be imported, since local products are not up to the hotel’s (i.e. tourist’s) standards or the country simply doesn’t have a supplying industry. Much of the income from tourism expenditures leaves the country again to pay for these imports. The  average import-related leakage for most developing countries today is between 40% and 50% of gross tourism earnings for small economies and between 10% and 20% for most advanced and diversified economies, according to UNCTAD. Export leakage Multinational corporations and large foreign businesses have a substantial share in the import leakage. Often, especially in poor developing destinations, they are the only ones that possess the necessary capital to invest in the construction of tourism infrastructure and facilities. As a consequence of this, an export leakage arises when overseas investors who finance the resorts and hotels take their profits back to their country of origin. A 1996 UN report evaluating the contribution of tourism to national income, gross levels of incomes or gross foreign exchange, found that net earnings of tourism, after deductions were made for all necessary foreign exchange expenditures, were much more significant for the industry. This report found significant leakage associated with: (a) imports of materials and equipment for construction; (b) imports of consumer goods, particularly food and drinks; (c) repatriation of profits earned by foreign investors; (d) overseas promotional expenditures and (e) amortization of external debt incurred in the development of hotels and resorts. The impact of the leakage varied greatly across countries, depending on the structure of the economy and the tourism industry. From the data presented in this study on the Caribbean, St. Lucia had a foreign exchange leakage rate of 56% from its gross tourism receipts, Aruba had 41%, Antigua and Barbuda 25% and Jamaica 40%. Source: Caribbean Voice Enclave tourism Local businesses often see their chances to earn income from tourists severely reduced by the creation of â€Å"all-inclusive† vacation packages. When tourists remain for their entire stay at the same cruise ship or resort, which provides everything they need and where they will make all their expenditures, not much opportunity is left for local people to profit from tourism. The Organization of American States (OAS) carried out a survey of Jamaica’s tourist industry that looked at the role of the all-inclusives  compared to other types of accommodation. It found that ‘All-inclusive hotels generate the largest amount of revenue but their impact on the economy is smaller per dollar of revenue than other accommodation subsectors.’ It also concluded that all-inclusives imported more, and employed fewer people per dollar of revenue than other hotels. This information confirms the concern of those who have argued that all-inclusives have a smaller trickle-down effect on local economies The cruise ship industry provides another example of economic enclave tourism. Non-river cruises carried some 8.7 million international passengers in 1999. On many ships, especially in the Caribbean (the world’s most popular cruise destination with 44.5% of cruise passengers), guests are encouraged to spend most of their time and money on board, and opportunities to spend in some ports are closely managed and restricted. Other negative impacts Infrastructure cost Tourism development can cost the local government and local taxpayers a great deal of money. Developers may want the government to improve the airport, roads and other infrastructure, and possibly to provide tax breaks and other financial advantages, which are costly activities for the government. Public resources spent on subsidized infrastructure or tax breaks may reduce government investment in other critical areas such as education and health. Increase in prices Increasing demand for basic services and goods from tourists will often cause price hikes that negatively affect local residents whose income does not increase proportionately. A San Francisco State University study of Belize found that, as a consequence of tourism development, the prices for locals increased by 8%. Tourism development and the related rise in real estate demand may dramatically increase building costs and land values. Not only does this make it more difficult for local people, especially in developing countries, to meet their basic daily needs, it can also result in a dominance by outsiders in land markets and in-migration that erodes economic opportunities for the locals, eventually disempowering residents. In Costa Rica, close to 65% of the hotels belong to foreigners. Long-term tourists living in second homes, and the so-called amenity migrants (wealthy  or retired people and liberal professionals moving to attractive destinations in order to enjoy the atmospher e and peaceful rhythms of life) cause price hikes in their new homes if their numbers attain a certain critical mass. Economic dependence of the local community on tourism Diversification in an economy is a sign of health, however if a country or region becomes dependent for its economic survival upon one industry, it can put major stress upon this industry as well as the people involved to perform well. Many countries, especially developing countries with little ability to explore other resources, have embraced tourism as a way to boost the economy. In The Gambia, for instance, 30% of the workforce depends directly or indirectly on tourism. In small island developing states, percentages can range from 83% in the Maldives to 21% in the Seychelles and 34% in Jamaica, according to the WTO. Over-reliance on tourism, especially mass tourism, carries significant risks to tourism-dependent economies. Economic recession and the impacts of natural disasters such as tropical storms and cyclones as well as changing tourism patterns can have a devastating effect on the local tourism sector. Seasonal character of jobs The seasonal character of the tourism industry creates economic problems for destinations that are heavily dependent on it. Problems that seasonal workers face include job (and therefore income) insecurity, usually with no guarantee of employment from one season to the next, difficulties in getting training, employment-related medical benefits, and recognition of their experience, and unsatisfactory housing and working conditions. Other industry impacts affecting tourism Economic crises, like the Asian crisis that hit Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia a few years ago, can be devastating to inbound tourism flows. The financial turmoil triggered a sharp fall in tourism flows to affected countries during 1997 and 1998. In the Philippines, the crisis and the temporary closure of Philippine Airlines affected inbound arrivals significantly as there was a decline of almost 3.3% in 1998. Economic Effects — Positive Tourism creates jobs, both through direct employment within the tourism industry and indirectly in sectors such as retail and transportation. When these people spend their wages on goods and services, it leads to what is known as the â€Å"multiplier effect,† creating more jobs. The tourism industry also provides opportunities for small-scale business enterprises, which is especially important in rural communities, and generates extra tax revenues, such as airport and hotel taxes, which can be used for schools, housing and hospitals. Economic Effects — Negative Successful tourism relies on establishing a basic infrastructure, such as roads, visitor centers and hotels. The cost of this usually falls on the government, so it has to come out of tax revenues. Jobs created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid, yet tourism can push up local property prices and the cost of goods and services. Money generated by tourism does not always benefit the local community, as some of it leaks out to huge international companies, such as hotel chains. Destinations dependent on tourism can be adversely affected by events such as terrorism, natural disasters and economic recession. Social Effects — Positive The improvements to infrastructure and new leisure amenities that result from tourism also benefit the local community. Tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and festivals that might otherwise have been allowed to wane, and it creates civic pride. Interchanges between hosts and guests create a better cultural understanding and can also help raise global awareness of issues such as poverty and human rights abuses. Social Effects — Negative Visitor behavior can have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of the host community. For example, crowding and congestion, drugs and alcohol problems, prostitution and increased crime levels can occur. Tourism can even infringe on human rights, with locals being displaced from their land to make way for new hotels or barred from beaches. Interaction with tourists can also lead to an erosion of traditional cultures and values. Environmental Effects — Positive Tourism — particularly nature and ecotourism — helps promote conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. It also helps generate funding for maintaining animal preserves and marine parks through entrance charges and guide fees. By creating alternative sources of employment, tourism reduces problems such as over-fishing and deforestation in developing nations. Environmental Effects — Negative Tourism poses a threat to a region’s natural and cultural resources, such as water supply, beaches, coral reefs and heritage sites, through overuse. It also causes increased pollution through traffic emissions, littering, increased sewage production and noise. Tourism and Travel 1. Define the following terms: Hospitality Tourism Leisure Travel Attractions (20mks) 2. In your own opinion, what will make you choose to travel to Country A than to Country B during your holiday? (20mks) 3. What are the positive economic impacts of Tourism in Kenya? (20mks) 4. People do travel for a particular purpose; therefore what are the different types of tourism? (20mks) 5. The no. of tourist in a destination varies over time, what are the different reasons for that to happen? (20mks)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essays

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essays Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essay Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Essay Composer’s use their text to portray concerns which they see valid to their own contextual society. They do this in order to illuminate specific events hardships or warnings which they believe are essentially important to the human’s existence. Mark Haddon’s composition of ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’ is lightly critical in portraying the concerns for society that Haddon holds and through his various and literary and dramatic techniques. Mark Haddon’s novel has accurately achieved his goal of installing knowledge in his audience. Haddon believes that the people of his society do not have a sufficient understanding of the troubles faced by those with a disability and here ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’ is used to inform the audience of these hardships. Haddon portrays the concept that simply treating someone with a disability differently will not help them but that an understanding of their life is the answer. Haddon has achieved this through the use of personalization and descriptive language â€Å"Christopher is getting a crap enough deal already† this highlights Haddon’s concern that people do not understand what people with disabilities must endure and hence are only making their lives worse. Haddon further portrays this knowledge through the use of irony showing how when kids get forced to ‘special schools’ for help it really only makes it worse, â€Å"†¦sometimes the children down the street†¦shout ‘special needs, special needs! †. This is used by Haddon to show to his audience that treating disabled people as ‘special’ and ‘different’ is wrong and that we must learn to understand that they are more similar than different. Haddon’s use of the novel has achieved his goal in expressing his concern to his audience. The great use of imagery and graphs provided the audience with the information of the importance and knowledge of just how Christopher’s life style really is with Asperger’s syndrome Mark Haddon expresses the importance of family relationships within society itself. He does this through the clear and perfect understanding of the deficiency and absence of love portrayed between his parents and himself. Christopher’s suffering of Asperser’s syndrome is transparent towards his parents as they find it difficult to react to Christopher’s behavior. Both parents had to deal with Christopher’s persistent obsession with mathematics, numbers (prime numbers used throughout the beginning of every chapter) as their son is a single minded human being with and extraordinary talent faced upon factual data that only he can obtain as many cannot. Christopher’s mother is an important factor among his life as he is told a lie from his father about his mother passing from cancer. But in fact from the hard troubled arguments from the relationship of his parents towards each other, Judy decides to leave without Christopher knowing. â€Å"I was not a very good mother, Christopher. Maybe if things had been different, maybe if you had been different, I might have been better at it. † This quote from his mother implies how she found it difficult to obtain Christopher’s life style as she wasn’t strong enough to do so. Throughout the novel Christopher’s relationship with his father becomes more distant as they lies have come out and the killing of an innocent dog. â€Å"Father said, â€Å"We all make mistakes, Christopher. You, me, your mother, everyone. And sometimes they’re really big mistakes. We’re only human. † Christopher continuingly disappoints both his parents’ attempts to parent him well as they do not abandon him. His father constantly attempts to set right their relationship towards Christopher as he faces his son’s silence. Christopher’s mother on the other hand does not take long to sort out her troubled priorities in London and chooses to take Christopher over the father. At the end of the novel the reader feels that Christopher will have the support of his parents for a very long time. The composer Haddon as used a great use of emotional and truthful knowledge among the society through Christopher’s case and this is achieved throughout the novel itself. Haddon persuades the important quality of Truth throughout the novel towards the direction of our society. Christopher’s obsession with truth is organized among the world through his perceptions on the basis. During the story as he feels secure, he needs order and certainty, and facts and logic provide this security. Christopher feels the need to be ‘scared’ and yet ‘shaky’ towards the things that didn’t happen which makes him feel insecure etc. ‘Metaphors’ are a language technique in which Christopher cannot understand. He believes metaphors bring lies towards society as they are false stories and fiction falls within the limits of lies. Christopher accepts ‘similes’ as this technique provides truthfulness and they also emphasize the appearance of what two things have in common. With the acceptation of hard facts within Christopher’s life he refuses to obtain the knowledge and believe of god and the afterlife. Christopher says that he ‘can’t tell lies’. This is the way he truthfully copes with life itself and the imaginary events which fill him with ‘the infinite number of things’. Christopher then pushes the boundaries of lying to himself through continuing the investigation when he told people for example his father he would stop. His father then tends to find out with the quote of â€Å"you knew exactly what you were doing†. During the novel we find out as well as Christopher that his mother is true in fact alive. This is a great impact among Christopher as he hates lying as he quotes â€Å"A lie is when you say something happened which didn’t happen. † Another quote is â€Å"I do not tell lies. Mother used to say that this was because I was a good person†¦it is because I can’t tell lies. † The repetition of ‘And’ creates a sense of comfort and security for Christopher as well as number of rituals. The great use of ‘And’ provides Christopher with the ability to recount every information he has accounted. As for me it is annoying to read but the fact that Christopher has a good memory for speech is observed. One of the rituals Christopher obsesses with is the observation of cars on the way to school as he organizes them into red meaning good and brown and yellow meaning bad. He implies this to his normal day routine. So if he sees a red car he will have a good/normal day but if he sees a brown or yellow he knows his day isn’t going to go too well. Mr. Jevons asked me whether this made me feel safe, having things always in nice order and I said I did† The justification he gives for using these rituals is formed on the ‘scared’ and ‘shaky’ responses which mean that his great need to impose order on a lack of a word is in use. Christopher believes telling the truth is an important aspect among lives as he is revealed that his fath er killed Wellington the dog and told him that his mother had passed which makes Christopher become very frightened of his father. Christopher flees in terror as he quotes â€Å"†¦he could murder me, because I couldn’t trust him, even though he said, ‘trust me’, because he had told a lie about a big thing† The composer achieves real aspects of telling the truth and telling a lie which happens on a normally daily basis. Mark Haddon achieves the knowledge of Asperger’s Syndrome throughout the novel and how it can be present towards a society/community. Christopher is an isolated individual who does not have friends. He sees ‘strangers’ whom he does not like because he has not met them before which some people in the society also believe in with or without the syndrome Christopher suffers. When he is strained and situated among many different people in the underground tunnel, Christopher feels the need to be stressed, alone, isolated to the point of having headaches as he reads signs which form different words in which confuse him. With the ability to travel by himself to London reveals that Christopher can cope with his anti-social behavior as he can keep it under control when necessary. Christopher knows this will happen as he is wanting to go to university with his ‘A level’ achievement in school and to have a career after that. This is a society with a bunch of people Christopher does not appear to know at all which pushes his boundaries. â€Å"And then I will get a First Class Honors Degree and I will become a scientist. † Christopher says. Christopher accepts the fact that he may be isolated and lonely but this does not affect his future he envisages for himself. Christopher creates his own world of society which he believes there are people who ‘are all special like me’ and these people also ‘like being on their own’. Christopher will gradually learn ways to function within a society but he must take many ‘first’ steps to achieve this. His dream is to live within a society whom will not judge nor criticize him as he wants to be himself. Mark Haddon includes many examples of which Christopher attempts to cope with a confusing world known as the society. These include graphs, lists, diagrams, flow charts and maps. All of these visual techniques give the reader the ability to see Christopher’s coping life style. Christopher’s confidence of truthful matter, in logic and facts, does not defend him from the real society. His many efforts to pursue the truth of Wellington’s murder results in the discovery of his understanding with the world as it is based on a lie. Christopher also learns that although he likes to have things â€Å"in a nice order†, real life is often very deranged, and he cannot always control this. By the end of the novel the composer achieves Christopher’s balance as he returns to normal life, he is regained both parents and has the knowledge that he has coped in difficult circumstances. Mark Haddon achieves the novel with great aspects of this and portrays the actual concerns among a society.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why “follow your passion” is bad advice

Why â€Å"follow your passion† is bad advice â€Å"Do what you love†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ that’s the dream, right? Everyone fantasizes at some point about quitting their day job and going full-time after something they already love to do, whether it’s a hobby or a secret passion. Steve Jobs once famously said, â€Å"The only way to do great work is to love what you do.† So what could possibly be the drawback of making your passion your career? 6 reasons passion shouldn’t drive your career1. Not everyone has a passionIf you feel like you should be pursuing something you’re passionate about in order to feel fulfilled, that presents an immediate question: what is your passion, anyway? For some, it’s an easy answer. For others, not so much. If â€Å"do what you love† sounds more like a command and less like an opportunity, then that pressure may lead you to do something just for the sake of doing it- not because it’s the right path.It’s totally okay to keep your passion as a free-time activity. It’s also okay to have a lot of different interests instead of one driving passion. Not everyone feels a calling to do one particular thing, forever and ever.2. Passion might not pay the billsYour career is about the life you want to create for yourself- it’s a comprehensive picture. For most people, that includes long-term stability for themselves and/or their families. Pursuing your lifelong love of being a performing accordionist may sound appealing now, but what’s your strategy for the long haul? If you can’t plan how your passion path will be sustainable as a career and not just a temporary choice, then it’s probably not the best professional option.3. Pursuing your passion may not solve your problemsFollowing your passion may seem extra appealing for a lot of reasons: stress at work, boredom, and general life malaise are a few. But even if you mar ch into your boss’s office and hand in your resignation tomorrow, that doesn’t mean your life will be magically happier or more fulfilling. Before you consider making any big life change, it’s important to think about why you’re making the choice, and what (realistically) you will achieve by doing it.4. Making a career out of a passion can blur boundariesIf you love to do, say, stand-up comedy on nights and weekends, but keep it entirely separate from your day job as a nursing assistant, that might not be a bad thing. If you make your passion your career, that means you’re going to be spending a lot of time on and off the clock thinking about it, doing it, and engaging with it. There’s definitely something to be said about setting work-life boundaries and keeping a balance.And it could be that comedy is a great release for your work stress or daily routine, but wouldn’t be as fun when you’re not only doing it all the time, but also need to focus on making it pay the bills. Will you love doing this as much when it’s your main source of income and you’re doing it every day?5. What we love may not be what we’re strongest at doingFact of life: sometimes our passions don’t line up with our skills. For example: I love to bake. I’m decent at it, but definitely don’t have the skills or infrastructure to do it professionally. And although sometimes I think about what it would be like to quit my office job and bake cookies full-time, I’ve made peace with the fact that my most marketable professional skills are geared toward jobs outside the kitchen.What we love to do and what we’re trained/educated/great at doing may not be the same thing at all. So when someone tells you to follow your passion as a career, there’s a significant risk that what we love to do on an amateur level just may not be a strong choice for going pro.6. Even passion projects require a planâ€Å"Follow your passion† is very vague. The logistics of your new passion career are probably not. For example, would your new business require you to get additional education or certification if you were to go pro? What kind of connections would you need to dig up employment opportunities in your passion field? There’s a very good chance that elevating a passion to a career would involve starting over in many different ways, so be prepared to plan it out beyond â€Å"I really like doing this, therefore I should do it full-time.†Making a personal passion into a career sounds like great, life-affirming advice- and it can be. But in many cases, it’s just not feasible or sustainable. So before you follow your bliss, consider all aspects of your hot new career path. And remember: there’s no shame in doing a job that may not inspire an all-consuming passion. If you’re doing work that challenges you and helps you fulfill your goals, you’re already doing pretty well!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Qualitative Annotated Bibliography Research Paper

Qualitative Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example According to the authors, these three were listed as the most common adverse events that occur in the intensive care unit. They suggest that to prevent the occurrence of these complications, it is important that the nurses implement evidence-based practice while handling critically ill patients. The study adopted a qualitative focus group study involving thirty-four nurses who practiced in the intensive care unit. The participants were groups into eight focus groups after which the obtained data was analyzed using thematic analyses. The study is significant to the topic because it explores the reasons why ventilator-associated pneumonia and other complications are still a menace in the hospital, despite the presence of evidence-based guidelines. However, the study has the shortcoming of generalizability of the results since it was performed in only one hospital. The authors conclude that hospitals should enhance the knowledge of nurses, and improve their attitudes towards adopting guidelines in the prevention of ICU complications. In addition, critical care nurses should be empowered to make changes in nursing practice so that medical interventions reflect the latest evidence in literature. The study is relevant to my role option because it highlights some of the challenges faced by ICU nurses in prevention of complications, including ventilator-associated pneumonia. It also proposes ways in which the situation can be improved, adding to the knowledge I already possess in the area. Qu, X., Xie, H., Zhang, Q., Zhou, X., & Shi, Z. (2014). A survey on oral care practices for ventilator†assisted patients in intensive care units in 3A hospitals of mainland China. International journal of nursing practice. The chief aim of the study was to explore the status of oral healthcare practices, attitudes, education and knowledge of the nurses caring for ventilator-assisted patients in the intensive care units of hospitals in mainland China. To achieve this objective,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 7

Case Study Example Despite these challenges many women fail to understand or are ignorant that the law provides them with rights. The case study on Paul Bryant Group management handling of Camilla provides a clear insight into the plight many women go through in our society particularly at workstations during and after maternity leave. The big issue in most cases is that women are seen as being less committed to their bosses or employer since they are now mothers. Many companies today are settling out of court since they dont want to be viewed by their stakeholders to be treating pregnant women or new mothers as such. In the case study for instance, Camilla’s position as a front desk clerk was unlawfully given to another individual despite her notification and officially being out for maternity leave. The case study is based on various aspects of human resource management that one may encounter in any working station in today’s business world and interesting lessons for future managers. Camilla has the ground for a lawsuit against the Paul Bryant Group. The basis for her lawsuit is rooted in the protection of rights she enjoys and too from the un-procedural dismissal from her previous duty by the supervisor. Firstly, the law protects Camilla against being unfairly selected for redundancy due to her pregnancy or taking maternity leave. Sadly, this is the exact scenario that happened. This should not however have been the case. If her job was genuinely redundant while she was absent, then she was entitled to being offered a suitable alternative vacancy (if one was in the company). Ideally, on terms and conditions not considerably less favorable than those of her old job. As per the case study, this did not happen with Camilla at Good Night Inn. These rights are set out in Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations amended in 1999 (Lengnick-Hall et al.,